Kêm is a contemporary mythology,
a poetic stage dream...
A body and vocal performance
Mirza Metin's new performance Kêm consists of aseries of dream images performed by Hicran Demir.In Kêm, Kurdish culture and rituals play a centralrole in creating a powerful performance. Mysteriousbushes, black balloons, orange lentils, govends(dances), voices of the present and prehistory andmagical breaths accompany the performance tofind the primal power of the body and open thedoors of a visual, auditory and physical dream onstage. This performance does not tell a fixed story,but at the end of the day each audience memberleaves having written their own story.
Created (concept, direction, choreography - movement, scenography)
by Mirza Metin
Performer Hicran Demir
Dramaturgy Şermola Performans
Light design Alev Topal, Mirza Metin
Assistant & Light operator AliKurum
Photographs Uygar Önder Şahin
Trailer & Video Eren Aksoy
Poster Mir Amed Orhan
Production Şermola Performans Berlin 2023
We would like to thank SevgiDemirkaya, Sevi Bayraktar
Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste Berlin.
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